Sundays at Grace

Sundays At Grace - In-person, Live-Stream & Zoom Activities 

The Very Rev. Dr.
Walter V. Hillebrand, Rector

Quincy Drover, Director of Music Ministry
Robert White, Deacon 
William Brennan, LEM Vestry Member, Verger
Camille Olson,Christian Ed director, LEM and Vestry member
Carol Ann Brancato, assistant director, LEM


"Sundays at Grace" - Check Homepage for weekly, seasonal and special adjustments.

8:00am Mass - Mass (in person only)- Holy Communion, Preaching, Prayers followed by coffee hour in Grace Coffee House

9:00am - Adult Forum - Discussion of Scriptures, Episcopal Traditions and Trends (In the Undercroft) with Bill Brennan LEM, Vestry Member & Verger; Now on Zoom - sign in: -

9:45am - Christian Ed. (children and teens) in the Undercroft, Stories from "Godly Play". Camille Olson, director, LEM and Vestry member.; Carol Ann Brancato - assistant director, LEM
10:00am - Mass (In person and live-streamed)- Holy Communion, Preaching, Prayers, Choir Music followed by coffee & conversation in the Grace Coffee House in the Undercroft; (Live Stream

Wednesday - Morning Prayer 9:15am - In the Chapel with Richard Wolf
Wednesday - Christian Meditation 7:00pm - in the Chapel following "Take  Break at Grace" evening meal; led by Fr, Walter V. Hillebrand.

Communion - Any baptized Christian, regardless of denomination, is welcome to receive Communion in the Episcopal church.

Live Stream Link

Grace Church Services can also be found on YouTube at link:

THURSDAYS -CLOSING OUT THE DAY - 7:30 PM - Discussions, Sharing, and Prayers with Fr. Walter & William Brennan, LEM, Vestry Member &  Verger




The Churches of the South East Nassau Deanery

Our Vision - Grace seeks to be a visible sign of God’s love in this world!


Parish Prayer

Almighty God, your loving providence has brought us together into the sacred fellowship of this parish.  Help us, we pray, to worship you with such holy worship, to serve you with such unselfish love, and to give so generously, for the extension of your kingdom, that we may become worthy members of your Holy Catholic Church, and that our parish may faithfully fulfill its mission - - to serve the Lord through: education within the Christian environment, responsible stewardship and witness and service to the wider community through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and resigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever, Amen - Nov 23, 1986, rev. 2000


Online Religious Publications

The Lectionary
A collection of Lectionary resources for the Episcopal Church. Updated every Sunday night. 

The Holy Bible
New Revised Standard Version (Anglicized  Edition) 

The Book of Common Prayer
The Episcopal Church is the representative of the Anglican Communion in the United States, and also in several other countries. It has had its own Book of Common Prayer since the American Revolution; prior to that, of course, it was part of the Church of England. There have been four editions of the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer; all are presented here, starting with the latest and going back to the first.



Welcome to Grace

Welcome to Grace. We are an Episcopal Church in The Diocese of Long Island and the Episcopal Church in the United States. As part of the Anglican Communion throughout the world, our parish observes the traditional calendar of Holy Days and celebrates the Holy Eucharist as our major form of worship. Our ministry of hospitality is extended to all who enter here.

All who have been baptized with water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are invited to come to the altar for The Communion. Most of our little children also receive the Sacrament from the time of Baptism and are given instruction when they are about 7 years old.

We are a parish family that tries to live out our mission through service to those among us, and others, who are in need. The generosity shown here is a reflection of our thanksgiving for the Lord's generosity shown to us in His crucifixion and resurrection worship and in our lives so that His love is shown through us to others. Where our efforts fail, the Lords GRACE sees us through.

If you are attending services with toddlers, you may keep them with you in church or use our nursery located just downstairs. There is a basket of bags with activities for the young who may be challenged by quiet, especially during the sermon. Please look for the basket at the main aisle entry into the nave.

A Coffee hour and Bagel hour are held after each Sunday Service in the new Grace Coffee House in the Undercroft. We encourage you the visit with us here after attending morning services.

Christian Education
From September until May, there is Christian Education for children on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:45 am in person in the Undercroft.

We hope you find worship meaningful and that you will return soon.