Service Ministries

Young men and women between the ages of 8 and 18 who assists the Rector during Church services. Parishioners who are interested in volunteering contact  Church Office (516) 798-1122..

Altar Guild
Open to all willing members of the Church who wish to help maintain and set the altar for services;  no experience is necessary and training is certainly provided. Contact Barbara Picken: 516/799-4646 or Lori Caracappa: 516/798-0432.

The choir performs September through June to provide music of inspiration for Sunday services and special occasions.  Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:30.  For more information contact the Parish Office: 516/798-1122

Eucharistic Ministers
Members of the laity who have been authorized to distribute the Eucharist to members of the congregation during services; Eucharistic Ministers can also distribute Holy Communion to those who are sick or infirm and unable to attend  services. Parish members who wish to become Eucharistic Minister require one day of training and can contact the Parish Office for more information: 516/798-1122.

With a smile and a sunny disposition our greeters welcome parishioners and guests to our Church at Sunday services and at special events. They provide assistance to and receive comments from members and visitors. Interested parishioners should contact the Parish Office: 516/798-1122..

Lector is a Latin term for one who reads aloud.  At our Church the Lectors utilize a microphone to read Scripture and the Prayers of the People to the congregation during Sunday and other services. Parishioners interested in becoming a Lector should contact the Parish Office: 516/798-1122.

Church ushers are missionaries for the church for they perpetuate the spirit throughout the congregation. They see that the church is in proper condition to receive parishioners; they see that hymnals, the Book of Common Prayer, church literature, collection envelopes, and other items for the congregation are in their proper places. The usher meets the people with a pleasant smile, a warm welcome, and directs them to comfortable seats. They take up offerings during the service and perform other assigned duties. Ushers are always needed.  To volunteer, contact the Parish Office at 516/798-1122..