Parish Committees

Grace Church's various Vestry committees are responsible for conducting the work of the parish within the vision and mission established by the Rector, Wardens and Vestry.  The parish is presently served by the following functioning committees:

  • Outreach - Responds to the needs of both the local and wider communities.  Recommends charitable programs and projects to the Vestry, and carries out those that are endorsed.
  • Finance -Concerned with the overall financial operations of the parish.  Reviews investment performance and suitability; works with outside auditors; assists on special projects.
  • Property -Responsible for the maintenance and use of all parish buildings and grounds, and oversight of all capital improvement and maintenance projects.
  • Stewardship -Responsible for nurturing a parish-wide commitment to the principles of Christian stewardship: generous free-will offerings of time, talent and treasure.
  • Cemetery -Oversees the operations of Cemetery, an active graveyard of 475 plots, situated on the north side of Merrick Road.

For more detailed information about parish committees, see the Parish Life section.