What's Happening at Grace Church?

By: kjc
03/11/19 12:41

March 13th - Young at Heart Meeting, Noon, Parish Hall; March 16th - Grace Early Childhood Center, Above & Beyond Full Time Care OPEN HOUSE

What's Happening at Grace Church? March 13th -  Young at Heart Meeting, Noon, Parish Hall March 16th  - Grace Early Childhood Center, Above & Beyond Full Time Care OPEN HOUSE March 20th  - Lenten Soup & Study 6:30pm Parish Hall April 6th -  Suffolk Episcopal Women St. John the Divine Cathedral, NYC All our welcome to join this guided tour of this historic, beautiful NYC Cathedral. Read more at <link https: www.dioceseli.org>www.dioceseli.org April 6th -  Collection Day at Grace for June Yard Sale. We will be accepting working electronics, CDs, DVDs, records, books, kitchenware, small furniture items, sports equipment and toys. April 7th - Christian Ed presents The Story of Palm Sunday April 10th - Lenten Soup and Study 6:30pm Parish Hall April 13th - Historical Society of the Massapequas 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance Celebration. Annual Mother's Day Baskets - We will begin collecting items for baskets to be donated to Momma's House.  There will be a sign up sheet in the Narthex on March 17th. Giant Yard Sale June 15th -  Volunteers needed for Collections Days and day of Yard Sale. Contact Ken at 516.817.4800. October 19th  -175th Anniversary Gala Dinner Have you reserved your table yet? The Episcopal Diocese of Long Island Updated News, Calendars go to: <link http: www.dioceseli.org>www.dioceseli.org