Stewardship Message from The Very Rev. Dr. Walter V. Hillebrand, TSSF
Stewardship Sunday, November 19th
Stewardship Message from The Very Rev. Dr. Walter V. Hillebrand, TSSF
Pastor, family, friend
My beloved Grace Family,
First and foremost, thank you all for the support that you provide for our beloved Grace Church. Without your Time, Talent, and Treasure, we would not be able to be Grace Church.
As you have seen and experienced especially during this past year, we have worked diligently, not only to make our facilities more accessible, but also to adjust them for the needs of our congregation today. Also, we have added exciting new programs and activities for you and your family which the Vestry, Wardens, and I hope you will be enjoying week after week. Recently, I hired a new Choir Director who will lead our wonderful music program and contribute to making our worship even more enjoyable.
Very exciting things are happening at your beloved Parish Home, and it will not stop here. More of these good things are planned but we need your help!
I ask you to prayerfully consider/continue supporting our beloved Grace Church.
The Vestry, Wardens, and I would like to thank all of you in advance for your annual pledge commitment supporting our Ministry Plan. Your financial support is the foundation of our fiscal health and is very much needed and greatly appreciated.
Oceans of Love and Peace,
Fr, Walter +
The Very Rev. Dr. Walter V. Hillebrand, TSSF
Pastor, family, friend
Please bring yoiur pledge form to Church on November 19th and place it in the Pledge Box during Services. If you are unable to attend the 8 AM or 10 AM Worship please send the form to Grace Church, att. Lisa Beratis or place it in the collection plate on any Sunday. The ushers will take care of it. Pledge Forms can be obtained by contacting the Church Office 516 798-1122.