Spring Yard Sale and Strawberry Festival
03/30/16 21:07
Volunteers Needed!
Grace Church and the Massapequa Historical Society are joining together two events on Saturday, June 18. The Historical Society will be holding their annual Strawberry Festival at old Grace Church and we will be holding our first annual Massapequa's Largest Yard Sale in the Parking Lot of Grace Church.
In addition the Thrifty Boutique will be open extended hours. Both events will compliment each other and draw attendees from throughout the greater Massapequas.
Garage Sale volunteers and donated items are needed to make the event a success.
Collection days are tentatively set for Saturday April 23rd 10:00am - 12:00noon. And Sunday, May 22nd 11:00 - 1:00.
Those interested in Volunteering should contact Ken Cynar at 817-4800.