Message from Fr. Walter - The New Year Has Arrived!
January 24th our Annual Parish Meeting
Dear Grace Family,
I cannot believe how fast Christmas came and passed by. I guess when we are busy doing God's work, time passes by even faster. It is good to look back and see the seeds brought out into the vineyard trusting in God that He will let them sprout as he wishes and needs them.
First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone for their support of our church. From the Harvest Fair to the Thanksgiving Baskets and Meal, from the Christmas Tree Lighting and Christkindl Market to Christmas Eve, many faithful hands have tirelessly worked to make these events come into being. Be assured of God's rewards!
Between diocesan commitments, hospital visits, funerals, burial services and school events, someone asked me, Father have you seen the Church yet? It was all wonderfully prepared for Christmas Eve. I said no, I had not yet seen the church Christmas decorations. Especially this year, I understand it was a privilege and a gift on this Holy Day to walk into the church and see its beauty with all the decorations marvelously prepared for the celebration and praise of our Most High God. Our Church as beautiful as it is, but the decorations were breathtaking and I believe that all people who came to worship with us would agree with me. The decorated Church set the stage for a spiritual Christmas Eve experience led by the choir, the soloists, and all that were involved in the liturgy and set up. Thank you to all the busy hands behind the scenes making our church look outstanding and thank you to all involved in the services. Great job everyone!
Our January calendar looks rather busy as well. We are back with two services at 8 am and 10 am starting on January 3rd. On January 6th, Epiphany, the “Young at Heart” will gather for some excitement. And as most of you know, on January 24th our Annual Parish Meeting takes place. Also, check out our website or the monthly hard copy of “Grace Notes” so that you don't miss out.
I am looking forward to a great 2016 with my beloved Grace Family - Happy New Year!
The Rev. Dr. Walter V. Hillebrand,
Humble Servant of God, friend, family