Inspired by Grace Sunday Suppers At TOBAY Senior and Family Housi
By: kcynar
02/20/17 18:06
Inspired by Grace Helping the greater Massapequa community.
Inspired by Grace Sunday Suppers At TOBAY Senior and Family Housing -
Congratulations to our Grace Sunday Supper volunteers who shopped, cooked and served a homemade Sunday dinner to more than thirty residents of the TOBAY housing complex in East Massapequa last week. In addition to providing leftovers, they also distributed food packets from the Grace Food Pantry to everyone attending. Since the program started last year, volunteers have provided 185 meals on Sunday afternoons to seniors and residents of TOBAY Housing. In addition to the food packets, the Grace Food Bank has distributed more than 235lbs. of food to food centers operated by the LI Council of churches and St. Rose RC Church. Great job by our volunteers and contributors to the Grace Church Food Bank. (photo by ernest isip)