Holy Week Schedule

By: kcynar
03/16/16 20:15

Join us during the Holiest Week of the Christian Calendar

Holy Week Schedule


March 20th, Palm Sunday, 8:00 am - Blessing of the Palms and Holy Communion in Church; 10:00am - Blessing of the Palms in the Parish Hall with a Procession to the Church and Communion

March 24th, Maudy Thursday, 6:00pm - Traditional Seder; 8:00pm - Holy Communion in church followed by All Night Vigil

March 25th, Good Friday, 12noon - Stations of the Cross

March 26th, Holy Saturday, 8:00pm - The Great Vigil of Easter (w/incense)

March 27th, Easter Sunday,10:00am - Feast of the Resurrection (w/incense), 11:15am Easter Egg Hunt