Grace’s 175TH Anniversary Celebration – 2019
11/06/18 17:23
A Year-Long Celebration of the Founding of Grace Episcopal Church
<link http: news-and-events news article browse>Schedule of Events
On August 12, 1844 Grace Episcopal Church received its Certificate of Incorporation from New York State. Therefore, in 2019 our Church will celebrate its 175th Anniversary. This milestone year will be celebrated with various events throughout the year. A committee of parishioners have been working for over a year planning the calendar. In January we will kick off the celebration with an Italian Dinner & Talent Show for the family in our Parish Hall. In May we will see the return of last year's success - A Mother's Day Brunch before taking a break for the summer. A full calendar of events will pick up in August with Mass on the Grass. On October 19th we will have a day of celebration when we will invite the Bishop, former clergy, Grace Day School alumni and Grace Church parishioners to a Celebration Mass and Gala Dinner. Be sure to check out the calendar and plan ahead - “Save the Dates”. In addition to these events we will be working with the Harvest Fair, Christkindl, Young @ Heart, Choir and various other committees and ministries at Grace to ensure the 2019 calendar is full of something for everyone. Over the years many of you have participated in Church events and ministries and no doubt have pictures, booklets or memories of these. We would like you to share these with the Committee so we can add them to the Grace History Book for all to enjoy during the year. If you have something to share please let us know. Remember we are celebrating all 175 years so it does not have to be old to be history! We look forward to celebrating 175 years with you!The 175th Anniversary Committee
Dawn Crawford - Laurie McNally - Nancy Mazzeo -Barbara Picken - Ellen Ryan