Grace June Highlights
Summer Schedule Begins June 5th - one service 9:00am
Grace June Highlights
June 1st, Wednesday, 12:00 noon - Young at Heart Senior Club - BBQ, hot dogs, hamburgers; Live Music with Stan Zizka from the DelSatins and Edie
June 5th, Sunday - Now on Summer Worship Schedule, One service only at 9:00am with music; Return to Regular Schedule on September 11th.
Rescheduled -- June 12th , Sunday - Youth Group Car Wash, 10:00am - noon; Grace Church Parking Lot;
June 12th Sunday - Annual Church Grace Picnic, After the 9:00am service; hot dogs and hamburgers and family fun; Drawing for Church Raffle; tickets still available Sunday after Church sewrvices or by calling the Church Office; 516/798-1122
June 18th, Saturday - Grace Church Spring Yard Sale; 10:00am - 4:00pm; Church Parking Lot; Thrifty Boutique Open as well; See the Boutique Children's Room with clothes, books and toys for children.
June 18th, Saturday - Strawberry Festival at Old Grace Church - Sponsored by Massapequa Historical Sociewty; 10:00am - 4:00pm; crafts and jams and jellies from Grace Church Craft Ladies and Aunties Grace Marmaladies; Strawberries, food, veendors'cafts
Thrifty Boutique is Open - Tuesdays and Saturdays in June from 11:00am - 3:00pm and in July Tuesday's only - 12th. 19th & 26th
Grace Annual Harvest Fair, Saturday, September 24th..
Mark your calendar - Volunteers needed!