Episcopal Ministries Annual Appeal

04/26/23 23:07

Episcopal Ministries Annual Appeal - April 30th until May 21st.

You’re invited to join with Episcopal Ministries of Long Island to bring the love of Christ “from the pew to the public square” by investing in parish-based ministries right now during their Annual Appeal. In the past year, parish-based ministries have served over 115 thousand meals, volunteered for nearly 20 thousand hours, and reached 25 thousand neighbors in need with financial support from Episcopal Ministries. 

During this appeal, you can play a vital role in equipping this network of ministries to serve even more of our siblings in Christ in the coming year by making a gift before May 21st. Your gift right now helps to ensure that parishes in our diocese can respond with compassion to the needs of their neighbors. Your support transforms parishes, transforms lives, and transforms our diocese into the Body of Christ across Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk. Please, make your gift today at episcopalministries.org/donate   (for script ONLY: “Episcopal Ministries dot org slash donate”). Thank you for your generosity.