Bishop's Medal Presented to Grace Warden Ken Cynar

05/31/23 13:55

Honored for Years of Service

Bishop's Medal Presented to Grace Warden Ken Cynar -

On May 21st, before the assembled congregation of Grace Church, Bishop R. William Franklin, Assisting Bishop, and Grace Rector, The Very Rev. Walter V. Hillebrand, presented Warden Ken Cynar with the “Bishop’s Medal for Distinguished Parochial Service” in the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island. Ken has been Grace warden for more than ten years and serves as co-chairman of the Annual Harvest Fair and Assistant Director of Grace Productions, which presents Grace’s Sunday services live-streamed over the Internet each week. Ken also maintains the Church’s Web Site and Face Book pages.

In 1977, he and his wife Donna were the editors and designers of the “Dominion of the See,” the history of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island written by Fr. John W. Davis, the Rector of St. George’s Church Hempstead.