175th Anniversary Calendar
10/01/18 16:33
Grace's 175TH Anniversary Celebration Calendar - 2019
<link http: www.gracechurchmassapequa.org news-and-events news article family-italian-night-talent-show-saturday-jan-12th>January 12th - Family Italian & Talent Night
<link http: www.gracechurchmassapequa.org news-and-events news article mothers-day-brunch-175th-anniversary-event>May 12th - Mother's Day Brunch
August 25th - Mass on the Grass & Picnic
September 28th - Graceful Harvest Fair
<link http: www.gracechurchmassapequa.org news-and-events news article>October 19th - Celebration Mass and Dinner
November 3rd - 1800's Mass & Concert
December 7th -Christkindl Market and Tree Lighting