Updated January 2025 - Christian Ed. Registration - We can accept children throughout the year. For more information contact the Church Office.
Welcome to the Grace Christian Education Program. Spiritual formation is a lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God. This road begins with our program for children and continues through Confirmation class offered to our young teens. Third graders and up will have the opportunity to train as acolytes and/or lectors. In addition, Grace offers a variety of learning opportunities to all our parishioners (children and adults) and our community.
Our program helps create the foundation that parents can build upon to teach their children the basic Christian values that will guide them through life. Classes are held Sunday mornings at 9:45 am during the school year. Groups are divided by grades with children from ages 3 to 16 taught by our Christian Education Teachers. The experience is uplifting and fun for children -- learning through words, activities and music about God and the Episcopal Church.
Classes are also held to prepare children for Communion and Confirmation making them full members of the Episcopal Church and the Grace Parish family. Our curriculum for the past several has been Godly Play - a creative and imaginative approach to Christian education.
Attendance at the 10:00am service is now required in conjunction with Godly Play. Children will join the congregation at the “peace” time of the service.
The curriculum is Godly Play - a creative and imaginative approach to Christian education. Children are invited into stories and discover who God is! We are all looking forward to a great year of learning about God and our Church.
Ms. Camille Olson - Christian Ed Coordinator
Carol Ann Brancato - Ass't. Coordinator