Our Vision - Grace seeks to be a visible sign of God’s love in this world!
Grace - A Church for all People!
The Churches of the South East Nassau Deanery
Official Notice - The Annual Meeting of Grace Episcopal Church of Massapequa will be held on Sunday January 26, 2025 following the 10:00am Church Service. All Vestry members have agreed to be re-elected, therefore no new nominations were made. During the Annual meeting there will be no nominations from the floor.
JANUARY YOUNG AT HEART– The next Grace Church Young at Heart will be held om Thursday, January 16th at 12:00 noon featuring Lois Schmitt, Massapequa’s own Mystery Writer "The Art of the Mystery—Solving the Murder along with the Sleuth." (Includes a peek at excerpts from her new mystery, Bearly Evident.)
New Grace Creche - Many thanks to the builder/designer Richard Csajko for his efforts to construct the new Grace Creche now on display in front of the Church. In addition, we deeply appreciate the funds provided by the Bryson Family and other parishioners to cover the costs. The Creche will be an important part of our Christmas celebration.
Winter Sales at the Grace Thrifty Boutique - Open Two Days Each Week! - Saturdays and Tuesdays - 11:00am - 3:00pm - Visit the Thrifty Boutique in January. "BRRRRR it's cold outside...sale on coats and boots." Plenty of free parking, Located on the first floor of the Floyd Jones House….Large White House on west side of the parking lot of Grace Church, 23 Cedar Shore Drive, Massapequa , NY (corner of Merrick Rd. and Cedar Shore Drive)
What's Happening at Grace Church - December/January
Jan. 14 - Tuesday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm - Baby it's cold outside! Boots and coats half price!
Jan. 14 - Wednesday Morning Prayer, 9:15am -Grace Chapel – A morning prayer led by layman Richard Wolf followed by coffee and conversation in the Coffee House. All Welcome!
Jan. 15 – Wednesday “Coffee at Grace” at Grace Coffee House; opens 9:00 am until 12:00 noon
Jan. 15 - Wednesday “Take a Break at Grace” Weekly Parish Dinner 6:00 pm in Coffee House followed by Christian Meditation led by Fr. Walter; all Parishioners invited; Call the office to make a reservation!
Jan. 16– Thursday “Young at Heart” senior club – 12:00 noon – Lunch and program featuring Lois Schmitt, Massapequa’s own Mystery Writer "The Art of the Mystery—Solving the Murder along with the Sleuth." (Includes a peek at excerpts from her new mystery, Bearly Evident.)
Jan. 16 – Thursday – “Closing Out the Day” - 7:30pm - discussions, sharing, and prayers with Fr. Walter, William Brennan, LEM, Vestry Member and Verger
ON ZOOM, Click on: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89105761245?pwd=WEdtdURNS0FSUlNYVlZ0SDBnVG9mZz09
Jan. 18 – Saturday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm - Baby it's cold outside! Boots and coats half price!
Jan. 19 – Sundays at Grace - Mass with Fr. Walter Hillebrand – 8:00 am & 10:00 am - Communion, Readings, Choir, Live Music, Prayers, and Preaching; Coffee, Snacks and Conversation after each service in the Grace Coffee House in the Undercroft.
10:00 am - live-streamed link - https://vimeo.com/event/286891
9:00 am Adult Forum in person & Family Room with William Brennan, LEM, Vestry Member and verger. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85342997024?pwd=bjhKeWswTXZ1TkhDR3huY3doUkE4dz09
9:45 am – Christian Education for children, “Godly Play” - The Ten Best Ways -Ken Cynar in the Undercroft; Camille Olson, Christian Ed director, LEM and Vestry member; Carol Ann Brancato, assistant director, LEM
Jan. 21 - Tuesday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm – Baby it's cold outside! Boots and coats half price!
Jan. 22 – Wednesday Morning Prayer, 9:15am -Grace Chapel – A morning prayer led by layman Richard Wolf followed by coffee and conversation in the Coffee House. All Welcome!
Jan. 22 – Wednesday “Coffee at Grace” at Grace Coffee House; opens 9:00 am until 12:00 noon
Jan. 22 – Wednesday, 5:30 pm – Catechism Class Meets, Lesson 4. The Ten Commandments, Christian Ed Room; Camille Olson, Christian Ed director, LEM and Vestry member; Carol Ann Brancato, assistant director, LEM
Jan. 22 - Wednesday “Take a Break at Grace” Weekly Parish Dinner 6:00 pm in Coffee House followed by Christian Meditation led by Fr. Walter; all Parishioners invited; Call the office to make a reservation!
Jan. 23 – Thursday – “Closing Out the Day” - 7:30pm - discussions, sharing, and prayers with Fr. Walter, William Brennan, LEM, Vestry Member and Verger.
ON ZOOM, Click on:
Jan. 25 – Saturday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm - Baby it's cold outside! Boots and coats half price!
Jan. 26 – Sunday at Grace - Mass with Fr. Walter Hillebrand – 10:00 am only - Communion, Readings, Choir, Live Music, Prayers, and Preaching; Coffee, Snacks and Conversation after each service in the Grace Coffee House in the Undercroft – Grace Church Annual Meeting after services. Election of warden and vestry members; Fr. Walter’s state of the church address.
10:00 am - live-streamed link - https://vimeo.com/event/286891
9:00 am - No Adult Forum with William Brennan, LEM, Vestry Member; in person Family Room and on Zoom
Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85342997024?pwd=bjhKeWswTXZ1TkhDR3huY3doUkE4dz09
9:45 am – Christian Education for children, “Godly Play” Good Shepherd and World Communion-Deacon Bob in the Undercroft Undercroft; Camille Olson, Christian Ed director, LEM and Vestry member; Carol Ann Brancato, assistant director, LEM
Jan. 28 - Tuesday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm - Baby it's cold outside! Boots and coats half price!
Jan. 29 – Wednesday Morning Prayer, 9:15am -Grace Chapel – A morning prayer led by layman Richard Wolf followed by coffee and conversation in the Coffee House. All Welcome!
Jan. 29 – Wednesday “Coffee at Grace” at Grace Coffee House; opens 9:00am until 12:00 noon
Jan. 29 - Wednesday “Take a Break at Grace” Weekly Parish Dinner 6:00 pm in Coffee House followed by Christian Meditation led by Fr. Walter; all Parishioners invited; Call the office to make a reservation!
Jan. 30 – Thursday – “Closing Out the Day” - 7:30pm - discussions, sharing, and prayers with Fr. Walter, William Brennan, LEM, Vestry Member
ON ZOOM, Click on:
Feb. 1– Saturday - Thrifty Boutique - 11:00 - 3:00pm - Baby it's cold outside! Boots and coats half price!
Feb. 2 – Sunday at Grace - Mass with Fr. Walter Hillebrand – 8:00 am & 10:00 am - Communion, Readings, Choir, Live Music, Prayers, and Preaching; Coffee, Snacks and Conversation after each service in the Grace Coffee House.
10:00 am - live-streamed link - https://vimeo.com/event/286891
9:00 am Adult Forum with William Brennan, LEM, Vestry Member; in person Family Room and on Zoom
Link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85342997024?pwd=bjhKeWswTXZ1TkhDR3huY3doUkE4dz09
9:45 am – Christian Education for children, “Godly Play” in the Undercroft;Camille Olson, Christian Ed director, LEM and Vestry member; Carol Ann Brancato, assistant director, LEM